My first swimsuit! Flowers and seahorses and hot pink of course!
My big cousin, Maggie, and me.
Bumbo time, it was either blue or pink at the store so we chose blue because it's more neutral for babies to come!
Aunt Amy looked gorgeous!
Mommy and me when I was dedicated at church. I managed not to poop or spit up on my pretty dress borrowed from my cousins, Maggie and Lily.
So I've been out of pocket blogging and facebook wise these days and the culprit is WORK! Yes, I'm back to work since the end of May but praise God it's only part-time, 3 days a week, instead of full time as before little Abbie came along. I get my dose of Abbie Rose on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the days of work, which is a super treat! Abbie's changed a ton in the last month and has her 4 month check up this Tuesday. We're hoping she's finally gained enough weight to get out of the low percentiles, we'll see. She had her first trip to the pool at Mimi and B's last weekend and seemed indifferent to the water until it was naptime and she wasn't keen on it at all! She's getting better and better at sitting in her bumbo seat each day but still has to have close by company as she likes to cheat and just lean forward and teethe on the pommel! Her feet are her most recent discovery and boy are they exciting things! She's making more and more sweet coos and noises and Mike's doing his best to teach her to say Dada. Abbie switches between sucking her thumb and her 2middle fingers, with paci tiding her over every once in awhile when she's hungry or super sleepy. Every day with her is a true joy and it's still surreal sometimes that God's given us little Abbie.
Memorial Day weekend Abbie was dedicated at church and cried through the whole dedication prayer the pastor ended it with! He'd talk louder and she'd cry louder! We like to think she was making her own prayer known!
Mike's sister, Amy, got married to Taylor May 30th. We were both in the wedding so my Mom and Dad gladly kept Abbie for us, she's not the most courteous guest at weddings yet!