Abbie enjoyed shimmying a tree with Daddy while hiking in Mississippi! I was standing at the bottom of the tree hollering "mike, mike, mike, mike" and reaching upward to catch Abbie if she fell out of the harness she was riding on his back in! My heart was racing to say the least! She loved every minute of the adventure!
SOLD! Praise the Lord! Our last family picture at Abbie's first house.
We found the elephants...the perfect family picture spot!
Abbie was mesmerized by the zoo map on her 1st trip to the zoo in St. Loius. She insisted we go find the elephants after she found them on the map!
Abbie's 1st St. Louis Cardinals Game! She cheered them to victory, well actually just distracted several of the fans around us!
So I've gotten ALOT of grief from a few folks for my taking a LONG hiatus from hasn't been purposeful at all but just busyness, but I know that really no excuse! Since June alot's been going on in the Monsarrat household and life. To begin, after 9 months on the market, our house finally sold by a miracle from God above in this struggling housing market. We closed on it and moved out at the end of August. We moved in with Mike's parents as as of then didn't yet have a new house or timeline of when we'd have our own place again. God lead us to just the right house He had in store for us, not too far from our old house, and we closed on it the end of September. In the meantime, I started a new job where I could work only 2 days a week to stay home more with Abbie! God soon brought us the gift of me going down to only 1 day a week of work, so that's where I'm at currently! It's the BEST and I highly recommend it to any Mommy out there that's interested! So we are in our new house now and almost settled, it's been a long process. It definitely feels like home to us and all the boxes are unpacked, but not everything has a spot yet. That will come...what's the rush??
Our 3rd niece, Hallie Claire, was born in September, to add to the pile of granddaughters in the Monsarrat family! We're up to 4 now, 3 girls for Mike's brother and his wife, and then Abbie Rose. Lily, the 2 year old, has named all her baby dolls Abbie and she loves to get right up in Abbie's face and say her name repeatedly!! Abbie's used to it now since it's a weekly occurrence!
We've been on a few road trips, one of our favorite things to do. We went to French Camp, Mississippi at the end of October to enjoy the peace and quiet and small town feel with my parents, aunt and uncle, and my parents super close friends, gene and angie. It was a great time and so much fun for Fall. This past weekend we went to Birmingham to continue our tradition of going to Secret Church at the Church of Brook Hills, 2x a year. If you've never been, it's a must on the to do list for sure! If you want to learn more about it go to to get the details. Once you go, you'll be hooked just like we are. My parents me us there to entertain Abbie for the evening while we were gone to Secret Church and Abbie had to work hard to keep them under control!
Abbie is 8 months now and sort of close to crawling but honestly would just prefer to roll to whatever destination she's preferring at the moment! She gets up on all fours then quickly falls back down on her tummy without any effort to begin to crawl. Time's flown these past 8 months and her growing up is definitely a bittersweet thing!
It's good to be back and I won't make any promises but hope to be seeing you much more often than my record the past 4 months!
1 comment:
So good to see some new pictures! I had so much fun hanging out with you last time I was in town.
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