We've visited our close friends, the Shows, 2x this summer. Abbie fits right in with their 4 kiddos! Never a dull moment in that house!
Fun at the lake in Alabama with my dad's side of the family. Abbie loved playing in a float in the water and the constant action of all her 3rd cousins having fun in the water.
Fun at the beach with Aunt Amy and her cousin, Maggie.
Pool time with Daddy! Abbie would relax back in the float and enjoy the ride of someone pulling/pushing her around the pool
Cake we made to surprise Mike's family about Moose's sex. We made an "it's a girl" cake when we told them Abbie's sex so we had to continue that tradition.
Family picture on the beach in July
"After" Abbie's 1st haircut (sorry the pictures are reversed!)
"Before" Abbie's 1st haircut. We had to resort to her sitting in my lap in the chair and she went through 3 dum dums in 5 minutes, sharing them with Mommy of course!
18 month celebration with Mommy and Daddy! Mike now thinks we'll have to celebrate every 1/2 birthday! We won't go that far! We made do by reusing her 1st bday candle
Moose and Mommy at 25 weeks
Yes, I'm with you that it's been way too long since I last posted. I must admit, blogging just isn't a priority for me, but that's apparent. Anyways, God is blessing us with an addition to our family and we are so excited it's a BOY! He remains nameless at the moment except for the nickname "moose" that mr. bill, mike's dad, gave him from the time we announced to Mike's family that we were expecting. He was totally convinced we were having a boy long before the evidence was seen on the ultrasound. The pastor at our church recently prayed for little moose when we announced to the church this praise in our lives one wednesday night at prayer meeting. I'll never forget what he prayed "God, You've already called him by name...." and it was then that God laid it on my heart that He's already named this little boy and we are called to pray fervently for Him to reveal the name He's called him by to us and then obediently give him that name. So that's where we are at in the process... praying for God's guidance in naming "moose". We're pretty sure that's not the name He's called him by! haha!
So here's some pictures of our summer and of moose as we're growing VERY fast!
Abbie now puts her hand on my belly when I ask her where her brother is! So sweet! She's fascinated with her belly button and enjoys looking for everyone else's too! I had to put a stop to her pulling up people's shirts to find their "buttons" very quickly!