I've made it through my first week of work post bedrest! I was so so sore getting back moving again and am just uncomfortable with Abbie's birth pending any moment now. A co-worker told me about an old wives tale of scrubbing your bath tub to speed up the onset of labor so i gave it a try one night this past week......and no such luck! maybe i didn't scrub hard enough but i got out of breath just squatting in the tub to clean it! Joys of pregnancy! I saw the doctor thursday and she said Abbie Rose is sitting super low! That's good news but yes, we are still waiting! She has a mind of her own! The plan at this point is to induce me on February 25th if Abbie doesn't come on her own before then. The doctor told me though she thinks she will come before then and we so hope she's right! Please pray for us to have patience in this time of such anticipation and excitement and for a safe entrance of little Abbie into this world!
11 years ago
Never heard that one before!!! It is to funny seeing you in the bath tub. You don't even look pregnant!
The 25th is my brother's birthday! I do hope she comes before that... !
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